About Us

Message from Terise Paulsen,

I became an Executive Recruiter in 1984, after managing a telemarketing company and owning a bookkeeping and accounting service, specializing in real estate….think “post binders and 10-keys”. When it was suggested that I become a recruiter placing real estate accountants, I couldn’t resist.

My business was built one phone call at a time, straight out of the yellow pages…no mobile devices, no Internet, not even a fax machine. Today technology assists our process, but I will not let it become our process. Our proven process is based on communication. We care about the success of our clients’ organizations and our applicants’ careers and strive to develop long-term relationships. This requires communication.

When launching a new search our approach always starts with obtaining a complete and thorough understanding of the hiring organization, the department and the position. This includes personally meeting the hiring authorities, visiting the office where the candidate will be working, gathering as much information as possible on the other employees in the department, understanding their roles and then working with the hiring authority to develop a clear and comprehensive position description.

Our qualifying process with applicants is personal and equally thorough. We conduct several interviews, striving to not only understand the applicants’ history, but just as important, really listening to their goals. It’s not just about “filling the job”, or getting a higher salary. It’s about making a difference in our candidates’ careers, to help them make the move that they will reflect on years later with gratitude.

Our Keys to Success – Hard work, Integrity, Communication, and Laughter

We have had the opportunity to work in numerous sectors of the real estate industry, filling a wide variety of positions, see  Active Searches. It is rare to be able to work in an industry you are passionate about, with people who appreciate your work, and have the opportunity to change peoples’ lives. We remain grateful for the opportunity.

If you are looking to partner with an experienced team, please call us to discuss your goals and learn more.